Five ways to manage your calendar more effectively!

Managing your calendar can sometimes be a headache. Luckily here at Calendar.AI we’re happy to share some simple productivity hacks you can use to best manage your calendar schedule in a productive and positive way. And no, none of these solutions cost money or are terribly difficult to implement. 

5 ways to simplify your calendar schedule

Put personal time in your calendar

Not every day has to be filled with meetings. Sometimes you need time to focus on reports, research, work, competitors, etc. Whether you prefer an entire day or just a few hours, be sure your schedule includes some personal work time as well. Additionally, it’s difficult to be productive in 15-20 minute increments so be sure to schedule some large blocks of work time to get your more serious work done.  

Delegate when possible

There’s an old expression which goes, “You can’t dance at every wedding”. No matter how important you are as a manager, try and delegate yourself out of some meetings. Not only will you save yourself some time, you’ll boost the confidence of your subordinates but showing them you have complete faith in their abilities to handle things by themselves. 

Mentally Prepare Yourself

Nearly every meeting requires a different skill set. Some meetings require more patience, while others require analytical skills. Some meetings require attention to detail and others require creative thinking. To facilitate your meeting schedule, put some thought in advance as to what character traits you need to bring with you to which meeting. You can even write it as part of the agenda!

Be consistent

If team meetings are on Mondays, try and keep them like that. Chances are your team is also building a schedule based around the meetings. If you have 1:1 employee meetings, try to keep them as close together as possible so you get a full picture of what’s happening on your team, as opposed to meeting some people on Monday and then others on Thursday. 

Know Yourself

Are you more likely to be alert in the mornings or more likely to be in a rush trying to catch up on emails and other activities? If a meeting is scheduled for just before lunch and goes over will your hunger pangs irritate you and cause you to lose focus? Do meetings in the afternoon have a drop dead time because you have to pick up a child from day-care? The more you know your own tendencies the better you can manage your schedule. 

There is no one quick fix for managing your calendar schedule but here at Calendar.AI we’ll do everything we can to help!

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