Why real estate agents prefer the Calls.AI real estate CRM
It has been a while since we’ve tootted our own horn about the Calls.AI real estate CRM and its usage in the real estate industry
It has been a while since we’ve tootted our own horn about the Calls.AI real estate CRM and its usage in the real estate industry
What happens in your business when a potential customer drops their name into an email capture asking for more information or calls one of your
At Calls.AI mobile CRM app we remember the age old expression…”care for your customers, they are the ones keeping you in business!” One of our
Are you a small business owner who has found themselves uttering that exact phrase? Creating a CRM strategy can be extremely overwhelming for small business
A Google search for “CRM app” ends with 158,000,000 results! Yikes! How on earth is someone supposed to wade through all the material and decide
Yesterday we wrote about “Zoom Gloom” which is an extremely relevant topic these days. With the Corona vaccine just starting to rollout it might be
Chances are if you are alive and have an internet connection you’ve been on your share of Zoom meetings in the last 10 months. Be
Yesterday we touched on a few simple issues as to how to manage remote teams effectively and also enjoyable, both for them and for you.
Raise your hand if you are tired of hearing the word Zoom? People talk about Corona fatigue but nobody seems to mention Zoom fatigue! If
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